Moving in/out Checklist: Make your move and your life easier with our moving in/out checklist. This cleaning service takes place when the house is empty, so we can get it perfectly clean for you.
Appliance exteriors cleaned (interiors upon request)
Refrigerator exterior cleaned (interiors upon request)
Microwave exterior/interior cleaned
Sink scrubbed and sanitized
Chrome fixtures cleaned and shined
Countertops and backsplash cleaned and sanitized
Cabinets exteriors/interiors cleaned
Light fixtures and ceiling fans dusted
Floors vacuumed and mopped
Baseboards dusted
Windowsills cleaned and blinds dusted
Doors spot-cleaned
Light fixtures and ceiling fans dusted
Floors vacuumed and/or mopped
Baseboards dusted
Windowsills cleaned and blinds dusted
Tub and shower scrubbed and sanitized
Toilet exterior/interior cleaned and sanitized
Sink scrubbed and sanitized
Chrome fixtures cleaned and shined
Countertops and backsplash cleaned and sanitized
Vanity and cabinet exteriors/interiors cleaned
Mirrors cleaned
Light fixtures and ceiling vents dusted
Floors vacuumed and mopped
Baseboards dusted
Windowsills cleaned and blinds dusted
Living Room, Hallway, Stairs, and Other Rooms
Railings and bannisters dusted
Doors spot-cleaned
Light fixtures and ceiling fans dusted
Floors vacuumed and/or mopped
Baseboards dusted
Windowsills cleaned and blinds dusted